The Safe Routes to School project is a nationwide initiative to provide grants to municipal bodies in order to improve safe pedestrian access to schools. These projects are undertaken in the hopes of encouraging parents and students to walk or bike to school, both for personal health and to reduce traffic and greenhouse gas emission near schools. The City of Healdsburg received a grant allowing them to remodel pedestrian access along West Grant Street.
This project consisted of widening the existing box culvert pesdestrian bridge over Foss Creek, installing 1,200 lineal lines of new concrete sidewalk, an ADA-compliant pedestrian ramp, 114 feet of new 12 inch water line, trenching and back filling underground electrical conduits and other minor striping, signage, and drainage improvements.
Adobe Associates, Inc. Civil Engineering and Land Surveying departments provided the following services:
- Plans and Specifications
- Right-of-Way Confirmation
- Topographic Mapping & Benchmark Establishment
- Foss Creek Jurisdictional Permitting
- Preparation of the Railroad Encroachment Permit
- Construction Administration
- As-Built Plans
- North Coast Railroad Authority Coordination
- Easement Plat & Legal Description